Thursday, September 30, 2010

Diesel Fuel Saving - how to change your car run on water

If you drive a truck, experience higher costs for each pump diesel at the pump. With the high price of crude oil, diesel fuel prices are increasing at an alarming rate. Most truck drivers are working. It 's a challenge for everyone, a way to save diesel fuel. One of the few answers to this question is on water convert your car to run on.

E 'on-line news fromYou can actually have the water as alternative fuel for diesel engines. This is a device that hydrogen gas (H2) extracted in water and sewer intake. When H2 is mixed with diesel fuel and burned in the combustion chamber to increase capacity and performance. In theory, the same amount of fuel and higher engine performance, improve car mileage, thus saving costs.

The problem is howhydrogen gas from water separate? It uses a process called electrolysis. Water is an element of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. Therefore, the chemical name for water is H2O. The supply of electric current through water, separating the hydrogen or "Brown's gas" of water. Brown's gas is a flammable gas and electricity before the truck.

To convert your car to run on water is to install an electrolysis device. You can use the devicewith parts readily available at hardware stores. What we need is a manual and guidelines for a good guide. The guides are available on the Internet. Install the device is not too difficult. In general, the lines are equipped with step by step instructions with pictures. What you need is a little 'patience and dedication to complete the project. With current oil prices soaring, every idea that can save the cost of diesel will be a blessing.

1 comment:

  1. To remove the filter, a plastic knob on the bottom of the housing is removed. At the same time, the securing bolts on the top of the filter is removed.

    plastic-to-diesel fuel
