Sunday, June 27, 2010

Safe use of hand trucks

The sack truck is simply a beautiful addition to any work environment that includes the construction or moving boxes o. This will help to increase the risk of injury to their work for manual processing and increase productivity.

Manual handling injury

Approximately one third of accidents reported per year are the result of manual handling ie, attend or carry loads of physical force, or by hand.

Hit moving vehicle -2%

If - 4%

Hit by falling objects - 13%

Other - 20%

Travel - 23%

Handling - 38%


Before a hand truck, or manipulation of the media please check the following points: is the work of the correct type for your computer?

Check that the wheels can rotate freely.
If the device is in good condition? (The law requires that the equipment is in good condition)
It 's the kind of wheelsthe soil surface, ie the wheel size, type of tire (pneumatic or solid).
The handles are comfortable and in good condition?
Are loop between life and shoulder height?
If the truck is equipped with brakes, do they work?
And 'recommended payload suitable for the load that moves?
If the load is heavy and unstable? With a loading strap to secure the item.


The amount ofphysical force required to move an object on a flatbed truck to get a scholarship or a helper is how to deal with about 2% by weight of the load. Example: If the weight of a load of 400 kg then the force required to move will be 8 lbs. Unless conditions are perfect, as the device is in poor working conditions or the wheels are in the correct position, then the power required is much higher. Remember that an operator must always try to pushInstead of pulling a load, if they have clear vision of them and you can even pause and address of the truck.

Moving objects on tracks

When you try to negotiate a ramp or slope with a load that the employee must always have the assistance of another employee whenever necessary, such as pulling or pushing force required may be too high. For example, if the load of 400kg which was used in the example above is transmitted by a slope of 1 / 12(5), thus increasing the force necessary to over 30 kg, even in perfect conditions, that is, well, the smooth surface and the wheel. This exceeds the recommended parameters for men and women weight significantly above the guideline.

Soft or uneven surfaces

When a hand truck or a similar support on soft surfaces or irregular force, then using a treatment that is required is much higher. In an uneven surface strength of this increase could be as high as 10% by weight of the load,Although the use of larger wheels, this can be offset to some extent. The power of soft ground can be obtained even worse plot.

Peace attitude and speed

Operators should not always be faster than walking pace and keep your feet away from the load. This makes it easier to stop pushing and tired too quickly.

Guidelines for the forces pushing and pulling

Force to stop or restart the burden.Men - Women 20kg - 15kg

constant force required to move the load. Men - Women 10kg - 7 kg

General precautions

Operators should be minimized, and be aware of the risks following

When moving loads in the spring of platforms, bridges and bridges, ramps or uneven surfaces to ensure 'that the operation, the wheels of the truck is from the edges.
NoteBiesen, barriers and obstacles to avoid the possibility of a collision.
Try to buy and assemble trucks with knuckle guards on the handles of the hand to reduce the risk of operator products taken in his hands the truck and others.
Keep fire loads as low as possible.
Move multiple items or boxes. Place lighter items on top of heavier elements.
Make sure that the load is such that the weight taken into the well and can not be compensatedHandles.
Limit the amount of cargo, to allow a clear view ahead.
Use hand truck purposes only, that is curved cylinder trucks carry the battery or the sack truck-supported high immediately appliances, etc.
Leave your car to support the load, the operator should only balance and push the wheelbarrow.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Truck Train Horns

Most people prefer to use the cart with horns for the same reason that the trains will be equipped with security in the form of horns. Because trucks are generally heavier than other vehicles, not a bad idea to customize the train of a normal speaker to ensure that others are aware of danger. " You can also make truck horn for fun. This is because they are produced in a variety of models, the different tones in order. For example, cuttinga cow or a caricature or a particular television program. Because most leaders are great truck, train horns can easily adjust their hats.

There are many places where you can buy train truck horns. They can be purchased on the Internet. This sale is browsing through several websites, train horns. There are auction sites where you can bid on the horn. You can get a horn assets at a reasonable price. Once again, the horns can be made in stores in a city thatCustoms to find in stores that deal with vehicles.

After purchase, if you are not familiar with his way around the truck, would be a good idea, an expert, given that fits very well. Most shops sell the truck train horns usually someone who will install charge. Placing the speakers may result in failure to prevent the horn work, correctly, that is, people exposed to accidents.

Truck Horns tend to work by trainallows the compressed air makes the sound loud and clear: to make known. The more compressed air, the sound is generated. L 'air horns of trucks unlimited, in contrast to the horns of the hand.

It 'important to ensure that the air horn works. This is because it is used as a malfunction of the safety device and if the lives of many people in danger. The advantage of tornadoes on the horns of electricity is that they tend to be cheapermaintain and produce sounds louder. Therefore, it is desirable that the train trucks tornadoes.

Truck horns in general with three functions: a compressor, tank and three horn-shaped. Truck Train Horns usually different shades depending on the pitch and tone. Most of them are going up to 150 dB. If you buy a complete set, there are two parts to install, the gas tank and compressor. The compressor is usually influenced by the size of largeis the gas tank. The larger tank, the higher the compressor. The compressor usually looks like a tank. Their average size is about five liters per horn personnel.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Trucks Gone Wild, mud pull disturbing, only three trucks

Those were my favorite three trucks full of mud a day. Before Cocky (yellow Chevy) was really arrogant driving with one hand through the window, but it was very fast! According to The Ford Bronco was not special, just quickly and always seemed to get some air. The third Suburban had running water in the windshield mud. And its a Suburban, which is always fresh.

Monday, June 21, 2010

@ Coyote Dancers Tepnakorn Motor Sports Complex

Drag Racing is a popular place for racing everywhere, noise, smoke, style and excitement of the events attract thousands of fans, and reports in Thailand, such popular and very busy so its time try this scene. There are two strips of 1 / 4 mile on the outskirts of Bangkok, and an engine Tepnakorn Sports Complex is a modern, multi-use trail next to Rama II Highway about 50 miles outside the city so long descent SamutSongkram. Events at the Motor Sports Complex Tepnakorn run every Saturday night with the practice of the day as the winds of the action to a climax in the early morning hours of Sunday. Surprisingly, the song is fairly easy to find, and the departure of Rama II road, suddenly looms large on the right side of a lack of reference to Google Maps. It 'a sea of artificial light, the expansion of parking, big bangs and a sign lit inevitable proximity of a cornerthe road. If only one destination in Thailand was so easy to find. All-in-one complex, all pretty good and one that seems to fit - measured by the large crowd - have a future, bigger and better. Tepnakorn Motorsports Complex is the creation of businesses Sittichai Sirithatthamrong Bangkok is a fan of drag racing, pushing the ambitious project a reality. He is excited and in the middle of the action, and his dream is reality...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Darkest before the light (song orig.) Peak E

Yes, I know. This song is too damn long. But as I heard and saw what they did with the elimination of mountains in my backyard, I could not believe, and went a bit '. It 'been a charter for the industry with the Bush administration and the mountains to pay with their beaks. Please visit to learn more. Here is the complete movie: wrote this song just before the Sago mine disaster in 2004. Before the light was dark verse Johnremained thirteen of the swing, when the father and mother died. The truck turned into his picnic table. None survived. His grandfather was John shook the night and both cried out: He said "Son, you're too young for this, but there is a truth we know by heart." CHORUS It 's always darkest before the light that God holds your hand through the darkest night. Fear gives birth to the brilliant colors of light. Sadness prepares us to greater heights. It 's always darkest before the light. TO2 John twenty years in the mine two hundred dollars a day's work was rough, far from paying, but it was very good. The wall fell metal left button Gaspin "fresh air. Only a frightened face well. In the darkness, he knelt and prayed CHORUS John ... 's always darkest before the light that God has taken my hand through this darkest nights. Nothing good comes without a fight 's always darkest before the verse of light. 3 The rescue has reached the room like a drill rthe air...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Nutrition, health and joy, Part I (# 59)

to make nutrition, health and joy, Part I (# 59) health and sense of fun food, we need to think about the health and enjoyment. Our body is a machine that injects something to survive. Health and fun should go hand in hand to promote a happy life. With a little 'moderation and balance, there is no reason why you can not reach both by what we eat. No need to force-feed your body with a person says something is good. On the other hand must be ready to changehis habit of eating when you can improve your life. cultural influence of the nature of the food we eat is largely influenced by culture. People from different places to eat, as what I ate as a cultural habit. There are no right or wrong, good or bad with it. You can not apply a personal bias or knowledge of the food of a particular culture, including his own judge. However, due to significant differences in dietary habits, we found that some cultures are more likely to cause obesity,higher levels of cholesterol or blood sugar, using objective criteria which are usually to measure health. The variety of food in China has resulted in some humorous comments. It is said that the Chinese eat everything with four legs except a table and anything that flies except an airplane. Although this is partly true, I would remind those critics who do not know what is missing. Geography geographical influence plays an important role in the food we eat. For...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

4WD Action - 137

Watch a clip of our next magazine, Best of the Best Awards 2009 issue!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Quick guide for installation of a protective grille

There are many truck owners who like the look of a protective grille. You may also want to sell have seen happen to a truck mounted on a front and wondered how difficult it would be to install one in your car. regards the installations are also a major reason why people want to buy a watch. Consider some of the methods that are used to being able to mount this equipment in a vanTruck>.

No cutting required

The biggest fear of most truck owners are holes in the truck bumper, so within a framework that will certainly monitor the grid. Fortunately, most of the guards on the market today do not require any cutting or permanent modification of the your vehicle. in general, with mounting screws that connect the frame at the same place as the bumper. Installation is as simple as removing the front bumper orBumper is bolted to the extender, grille guard, and then connect the bumper. The extender assembly protrude from the ground or through the top of the bumper, depending on the design and bolt guard the mountains. This type of mounting frame provides maximum strength with minimal installation headaches.

Details, details

There are important things to remember when you remove and reinstall when his truck in front of someBumper. First, we want to make sure that the extender properly before being attached to the bumper back in focus. You can do so by the grid to ensure watch on the summit points to make sure it does not work correctly. Otherwise, it's much easier to make adjustments at this time, while the bumper is out of the car. If you put the rear bumper really want to be the same, is not concentrated to avoidasymmetric appearance or rubbing the screen saver.

Protect yourself

It's usually a good idea to use the tape to change the color or lighting, the ability to protect in contact with the bumper or barrier protection during installation. could be a bumper or grille guard a bit 'difficult, especially if thick steel, it is best to have a friend, the test to help with the installation and final assembly.

Some of the groupnecessary?

When shopping for a grill guard, there is one more test before the decision to purchase the model. Mesh guards are removed to reduce shipping costs. This means that you set the clock when you go home. Since this standard can be done with hand tools - often the same tools used to install the guard to the truck - for Most people this is not a problem. However, if yourunning on a tight schedule, it might be worth paying the cost of sending and receiving station network in one piece.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Truckers strike

When you're an experienced driver directly from the truck driver training or attend a truck driver schools across the country, we need to see the outcome of this latest attack on truckers. Mainly its operators, many drivers for a few days to protest against 'high cost of diesel fuel. At $ 4.00 a gallon, no one can blame them. If a rig is 300 gallons of fuel, $ 1,200 just to fill the tanks is destructive to the seating Profit.

But the strike will have no effect? They are small, demonstrating short-term change actually better? Unfortunately, the answer will more than likely a resounding "no." After a small group of drivers for actions 3-4 days "strike" will get nothing, unfortunately. fall with its operators next year on the track for years, the vast majority of drivers on the road these days are the drivers of the fleet.

Maybe make people interested inTruck> driver training schools and in view of the drivers to the career of a second look at truck driving. However, the owner-operators will be those that the spectacular successes of the cost of fuel. The driver of the company has no concern. The most forward part of the cost of fuel transferred to its customers through a fuel surcharge added, but the load will remain the same. . . cheap. Therefore, the tour operatorLoad compared to low, while in battle with the rising price of diesel. The lorry driver will always be a loser.

Strikes of this kind simply does not work. These are all drivers of trucks and the power to impose this effort to make changes. And that, my friends, where is the problem. A few hundred riders from here to there can not change. . . should be done by people of thousands. . . No, millions.

EightCDL million motorists in the U.S. today, and most of these drivers have participated nationwide truck strike to draw attention of Congress and and be taken seriously. Now what should I do? Hundreds of thousands of truck drivers, company drivers and operators would have to ban together and shut down their platforms. It would not be for a few days, but for several weeks.

CDL drivers everywhere should have donedecision to stop the flow of freight in this country, and for some time, if the impact would be visible. This means that shops are empty. . . everything all take for granted: food food, clothes, cars, everything. . . end. The public may not always realize that everything they buy. . . everything you buy in a store or dealer, or anywhere. . . comes from a truck driver. The boats can still access theThe aircraft can still fly and train can continue to operate, but the driver of the truck, the goods in the shops. The truck driver, public transport in general.

Because the operator is something of an endangered species, particularly the driver to leave the company that manages the way in those days. Therefore, the fear factor is set. . . "If I turn off and the strike would lose my job." In addition to creating the empty shelves in the shops of our country, what kind of suffering that could lead toinnocent? A mother needs baby food, but the platform is due to truckers strike empty? It 'a difficult situation and difficult to make a call. The driver of the truck and / or your family can not pay bills because of high fuel costs factored in with the low cost of freight.

The positive side is that the shelves can be recharged at an alarming rate the professionalism of the pilots of our nation. But this is the only wayDriver to make a change. For those who attend the school for training drivers of trucks or light truck driver, drivers also have the options that one day running a well organized massive strikes against other CDL. A strike. . . a "real strike... this scale, responding to those in power.