Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pipeline Jobs - Certified pipe welder welding

Here are my 11 suggestions to get a job as a welder pipe:

Go find welding a couple of hours searching the forums, in terms such as "pipe", "welding pipe" and "pipe welding certification." You need to have an idea of the pipeline welding.
If you still want to go for it, decide if you want to be a marriage together, not the track or trade union. (This is a topic of a full article to itself)
If you want a union welder, you will getpipelines Local 798 in Tulsa, OK, and change your opinion or guidance.
If you decide to go non-union job search sites like Monster and Career Builder concepts such as welding tube or pipe. "
Do you know the test by welding, bending and breaking. Call the supervisor of testing and learning the welding criteria. Any contractor for the management of the various tests welding process. For example, some of the iron pipe cutting, bending and weldingtypical connection. It 'been my experience that some supervisors test welding simply want to fail one way. Further testing of welding increases actually give and receive advice. Every job is different and there is no single test is the standard welding. This is just the way it is.
Finding a way to models that represent exactly what is required to test. Practical enough to be sure that you can sweat test.
Organize a pipe weldingThe proof of the date and come soon.
No, I repeat ... Do not be conceited or arrogant. The test-shop supervisor, whose short hair. This is the time to give it the respect it deserves as a test supervisor and say, yes and no sir.
Ask questions. For example, I may be a mill? Do not believe me to grind? It 'must inspect fitup? root pass? is hot? To find out what flies and what is not crucial for testing pass welding.
Take your time, unlessIs there a time limit. Relax and try not to be nervous. Keep all arc strikes and mill marks on the bezel. Solder joint or chip brush and everything you need to grind. (If allowed)
Pray. You might want to do this first.

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